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FREE Business Insurance Guide

Now, you are open and putting in the work everyday to make your business a success. You want to not only protect it, but know all the options your business has and what is needed!

Each business and industry is different, but below you'll find the key ingredients for a fully protected Boss!

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Get affordable health insurance
Health insurance for self-employed

1) Take your Leap of Faith with BENEFITS!!- Since 2013 the affordable care act has made it affordable for self-employed folks to afford GREAT Health insurance, based on your household income and size.

You can also offer your employees affordable insurance through the SHOP program. Business owners, can also give their employees other perks suck as inexpensive life

insurance, dental, or vision plans with little costs to keep employees happy.

Get your employees affordable benefits
Give your employees a reason to stay

2) Don't Go out of Business- Most companies need a BOP

(Business Owners Policy). This kind of policy includes Liability , Property, and Business interrupted insurance.

  • Liability is used in the event you get sued by customer or persons for negligence on your part.

  • Property covers your belongings, such as office equipment, merchandise, and any property you are renting and responsible for.

  • Business interrupted insurance, is needed in times where you may not be able to work in your current location due to a catastrophic event (Hurricane..Fire), and you need money to relocate so you can continue to stay in business.

FREE Business Insurance Guide
What a small business Insurance owners needs

3) Leaving behind a LEGACY!

Keyman Insurance (Business Life Insurance) protects you, your business partner(s) if you have them, and YOUR FAMILY. In the event, you or any other key employee dies, your company can stay in business and your families and employees won't suffer or have to close down. The business and your family is able to survive without you.

what insurance is needed when hiring employees
This is also a state mandated program


If you have employees worker's comp is a MUST! It's actually a state mandated program. Even though you have GL(Liability insurance),that doesn't cover the costs of loss of their wages and medical bills of an employee that gets injured on the job. It is totally worth it! Most small businesses pay less than $3,000 yearly.

5) No Riding DIRTY!- Commercial auto insurance is for those business owners who use vehicles to do their jobs(Delivery drivers, transportation, work van for contractors...etc). It covers liability and physical property protection.

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